Traditional use of herbs by Bodo community people of Assam, India

   Traditional use of herbs by Bodo community people of Assam,India

Scientific Name:
 Centella Asiatica Linn
Family:- Apiaceae
Bodo Name:- Gader
Assamese Name:- Bor Manimuni
Hindi Name:- Manduki
Indian Name:- Indian pennywort.
 Used in dysentery (Das. et. al. 2006), liver trouble, stomach disorder and nerve problem. It stimulates appetite, taken with milk to improve memory, good for skin disease and act as a blood purifier, given to women after child birth (Paul et. al.2011a). 7 leaves of Centella asiatica Linn. were ponded with black salt and 1 spoonful of the preparation was prescribed daily 2- times after meal in the treatment of malaria (Paul et. al. 2013.)


Scientific Name:- Colocasia esculenta (Linn.) Schott.
Family:- Araceae
Bodo Name:- Gusum Taso
Assamese Name:- Kola Kacchu
Hindi Name:- AAluki 
English Name:- Taro
Leaves used for blood coagulation in small injuries, roots used in pharyngitis, steam use in inner ear problem, iron deficiency (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). Petiole is heated over flame and juice is given over cuts ( Saikia

Scientific Name: Diplazium esculentum
Family :- Athyriaceae
Bodo Name:- Dingkia
Assamese Name:- Dhekia

Used in urinal complaints and to enhance sexual power (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). Whole plant act as a insecticides. Decoction of rhizome is used for hemoptysis and cough ( Pegu et. al. 2021).

                                                            Scientific Name:- Enhydra fluctuans Lour

                                                            Family:- Asteraceae

                                                            Bodo Name:- Helsai

                                                            Assamese Name:- Helosi Saak

Leaves are useful for cough, skin diseases, nervous disease, and gonorrhoea (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). The whole extract is used to treat acidity, stomach gastric ulcer and constipation (Sarma 2014).

                                                            Scientific Name:- Hibiscus subdariffa Linn.

                                                            Family:- Malvaceae

                                                            Bodo Name:- Mesenga

                                                            Assamese Name :- Mesta tenga

It is used for dysentery, fever, dyspepsia, general debility etc. (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). It is used to control high blood pressure. The leaves are good source for nutrition, extraction of this plant is used to treat cold, toothaches, urinary tract infections and hangovers. The leaves are also being used to as a poultice to treat sores and ulcers. It is also use as a diuretic and also act as a sedative agent (Brahma et. al. 2014).

Scientific Name:- Momordica charantia Linn.

Family:- Cucurbitaceae

Bodo Name:- Udachi

Assamese Name:- Tita kerela

Useful remedy for diabetes, night blindness, small pox etc. (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). The extract from its fruits, vines, roots and leaf have been used as folk medicine for the remedy of toothache, diarrhoea, it act as an anti viral agent, it has a hypoglycaemic effect, act as a immuno – modulator and anti-tumour effect (Desai 2019.)

Scientific Name:- Hibiscus rosa - sinensia L.

Family:- Malvaceae

Bodo Name:- Joba bibar

Assamese :-Joba Phool

Crushed bark is used for the treatment of Cholera. Flower buds are consumed for the treatment of stomach pain (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). Dried root powder is mixed with water and taken orally in irregular menstruation disorder, flower paste is also used (Bailung et. al.).

Scientific Name:- Clerodendrum infortunatum Gaertn.

Family:- Lamiaceae

Bodo Name:- Mwkwna

Assamese Name:- Dhopat tita

Young leaves are used for the  preparation of ‘Amao’ the starter cake for ‘Jau’ a kind of country made rice beer. Leaves boiled in water are used by the patients of Jaundice to take bath (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). Root decoction is used in the treatment of dysentery ( Yadav 2018).

Scientific Name:- Amaranthus virdis

Family:- Amaranthaceae

Bodo Name:- Kuduna Pisa

Assamese Name:- Khuduna Saak

Stem is used as an antidote against snake bite (Dhira Mani Das et. al.).  

Scientific Name:- Justicia adhatoda L.

Family:- Acanthaceae

Bodo Name:- Bersikea

Assamese Name:- Bakhor tita

It is used in cold and cough (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). It is use in Liver disorders (Deka 2015.). Leaves are grounded to extract juice and are use as an expectorant (Das 2014.). Various parts of the plant are used in Indian traditional system in diseases like eczema, malaria, rheumatism, swelling and Venereal diseases (Jain 1991).

Scientific Name:- Oxalis corniculata

Family:- Oxalidaceae

Bodo Name:- Singri gakhwi

Assamese Name:- Singri tenga

It is used in dysentery (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). It is used as an eye drop in conjunctivitis (Basumatary 2004), stomach ache, dysentery, intoxication from wine (Paul 2004). The plant has a medicinal value in reducing high blood pressure (Das 2020).

Scientific Name:- Paederia foetida

Family :- Rubiaceae

Bodo Name:- Kipibendung

Assamese Name:- Vedai lota

Used in stomach ache and gastric problem (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). It is used in any kind of stomach problems (Das 2020). Root and leaves are used in Joint pain and muscle stiffness (Baidya 2019). It is has an anthelmintic effect (Swargiary 2021).

Scientific Name:- Andrographis paniculata

Family Name:- Acanthaceae

Bodo Name :- Kaningsa

Assamese Name:- Durumphuk tita

It has an anthelmintic effect (Swargiary Reduce fever; juice is taken in diabetes, liver problem and kidney stone (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). 10 gm of powdered dry leaves and 25 gm of dry seeds were soaked in 250 ml of water for overnight and then filtered. 2 teaspoonful of filtrate was recommended to take thrice a day for 7 days in the treatment of Malaria ((Paul et. al. 2013.). It has an anti-diabetic effect (Nugroho 2012).

Scientific Name:- 
Carchorus capsularies

Family: Malvaceae

Bodo Name: Narzi

Assamese Name: Mora Paat

Used in urine infection, dried leaves are used in skin disease (Dhira Mani Das et. al.). Leaves act as a good digester and it has also anthelmintic effect (Gogoi 2019).

Scientific Name: Bacopa monnieri
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Bodo Name:
Thiphu , Maigongo
Assamese Name: 
Brahmi saak

It is used as brain tonic (Dhira Mani Das et. al.).Juice of shoot and tuberous roots are used to treat dysentery (Das Leaf and stem juice are used a blood purifier ( Bailung 2016). The plant is used to treat nervous disorder ( Choudhuri 2021).

Scientific Name: Drymaria cordata
Family: Caryophyllaceae
Bodo Name:
Assamese Name:

Leaves are used for treating insect bites (Das et. al. 2020). It is used in stomach disorder and hair fall (Gogoi  It has an hepatoprotective effect in the human body ( Deka Leaf pasted with Urena lobata are applied in cutaneious infection ( Rai 2003).

Scientific Name: Lasia spinosa
Family: Araceae
Bodo Name:
Assamese Name:

Leaves are used in pregnancy related problems (Dhira Mani Das 2017). Rhizome is boiled and taken in irregular menstrual problems (Bailung 2016). It is used in colic pain, rheumatic pain, intestinal disorders. Rhizome is used in the treatment of lung inflammation, bleeding cough and the whole plant is used in the treatment of uterine cancer ( Brahma 2014). 

Scientific NameNymphaea nouchali
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Bodo Name: 
Pada bihar
Assamese Name
Vet phool

Seeds are used in skin disease, roots are used in dysentery (Dhira Mani Das 2017). Petioles and rhizomes are used as supplementary vegetable. It is also used to cure disease related to urinary tract (Deka et. al. 2019). 

Scientific Name: Musa balbisiana
Family: Musaceae
Bodo Name: 
Thalar bifang
Assamese Name: 
Athia kol

Juices of small banana tree are used during dysentery, for gastric problems and are also used in cold and cough . Cooked rice are wrapped in a piece of leaf for about 20 min and are given to patients who are suffering from intestinal worms. It is used in infertility. Ash of the fruit bark is made into a paste with the Rhizome of Curcuma caesia Roxb. In equal parts and is applied locally by rubbing in the affected body part. (Borborah 2014). Various part of the plant are used in the treatment of diabetes, diarrhoea, scabies, helmintiasis, stomach problems and inflammation ( Daimari

Scientific Name: Aegle marmelos Correa
Family: Rutaceae
Bodo Name: Bel
Assamese Name: Bel

The leaves are supposed to be the most useful in the treatment of fever, to stop abdominal pain, intermittent fever, allay urinary troubles, palpitation of the heart, dysentery, dyspepsia, stomachalgia, seminal weakness, vomiting, fever and swellings (CHEMEXCIL, 1992; Das & Das, 1995). Studies have shown that the leaf possess antimicrobial effects (Rana, Singh, & Taneja, 1997), anti-inflammatory (Arul, Miyazaki, & Dhananjayan, 2005), antipyretic (Arul et al., 2005), analgesic (Arul et al., 2005), to decrease the thyroid hormone concentration (Kar, Panda, & Bharti, 2002) anti-fertility effects (Chauhan, Agarwal, Kushwaha, & Mutreja, 2007; Chauhan & Agarwal, 2009), antidiabetic effects (Ponnachan, Paulose, & Panikkar, 1993; Upadhya, Shanbhag, Sunethea Balachandra Naidu, & Upadhya, 2004), anti-lipidemic (Vijaya, Ramanathan, & Suresh, 2009) cardioprotective effects (Rajadurai & Prince, 2005), antineoplastic effects (Khan et al., 2002; Lampronti et al., 2003; Lambertini et al., 2004; Jagetia, Venkatesh, & Baliga, 2005), radioprotective effects (Baliga, Bhat, Pereira, Mathias, & Venkatesh, 2010) and chemoprotective effects against doxorubicin-induced clastogenesis (Venkatesh, Shantala, Jagetia, Rao, & Baliga, 2007).

Scientific Name: Averrhoa carambola
Family: Oxalidaceae
Bodo Name:Khamrenga
Assamese Name:Kordoi tenga

Luximon-Ramma et al, (2003) examined the antioxidant capacity, total phenolics, proanthocyanidins, flavonoids and vitamin C contents of 17 commonly consumed exotic fruits from Mauritius including A. carambola. Cabrini et al., (2011) examined the ethanol extract of A. carambola leaves, its hexane, ethyl acetate and butanol fractions and two isolated flavonoids, apigenin-6-C-β-l-fucopyranoside and apigenin-6-C- (2″-O-α-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-β-l-fucopyranoside for anti-inflammatory activity. Teh et al., (2010) investigated the effects of A. carambola juice kept at different storage conditions on the activity of acetylcholinesterase in various organs of Sprague Dawley (SD) rats.

Scientific Name: Azadirachta indica
Family: Meliaceae
Bodo Name: Neem
Assamese Name: Neem

Fried or cooked leaf is used for curing worm infections of the G.I. tract, skin disease and chicken pox . Leaves and stems are used in itchy skin, boils and pimples( Gogoi et. al. 2019). It has as an anthelmintic effect ( Swargiary et. al. 2021). It is use in stomach pain, worm infestation and skin disease. It is also used as a blood purifier agent ( Das 2020).

Scientific Name: Chromolaena odorata
Family: Astaraceae
Bodo Name: Bangrilewa
Assamese Name: Bon Nogor bera

Ground leaves applied on cut and wounds, two tea spoon leaf juice a day is given in dysentery. It has an anthelmintic effect (Swargiary 2021). Used for healing sore or cut ( Das et. al. 2020). The paste of the leaves is used to stop bleeding in cut injury and for wound healing ( Basumatary 2019) (Dipika 2021). It has an anti-pyretic effect (Talukdar 2020).

Scientific Name: Cissus quadrangularis
Family: Vitaceae
Bodo Name: Harjuralewa
Assamese Name: Hadjod

Stem paste is applied on wounds and bone fracture (Dipika P 2021), (Ujjal D 2013. it is used in muscular skeletal disorder. It is considered as a tonic and analgesic (Ratul 2015).

Scientific Name: Clitoria ternatea
Family: Fabaceae
 Bodo Name:Nilkantha biber
Assamese Name: Aparajita

Two teaspoon of leaf juice is given in cut, wounds and pneumonia. Root extract is used in psychological disorder (Ashoke 2013). Juice of leaves mixed with salt and applied around the ears in earache and swelling of adjacent glands to relieve pain. The juice is also an antidote against snake poison (Ratul 2013). It has an anthelmintic effect (Swargiary 2021).

Scientific Name: Dillenia indica
Family: Dilleniaceae
Bodo Name: Thaigir
Assamese Name: Outenga

Hair is washed with mucilage for hair growth. It is used in loss of appetite ( Simi 2020). Fleshy calyx is used for stomach disorder. Jelly like pulp of fruit is applied to scalp for curing dandruff and hair fall (Gogoi 2019). Roots are used in the treatment of swollen scrotum, fruits are used in dysentery and slippery semi liquid fluid is used in treating dandruff ( Das 2020).

Scientific Name: Emblica officinalis
Family: Phyllanthaceae
Bodo Name: Amlai
Assamese Name: Amlaki

Two teaspoon fruit extract is given twice daily for five days in indigestion, also consumed for hair growth. It is used in the treatment of Type II diabetes (Daimari 2019). It is used as a source of nutrition for the purpose of lost vitality and vigour (Bhavesh C Variya 2016). 

Scientific Name: Euphorbia ligularia
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Bodo Name: Siju
Assamese Name: Sarau siju

Leaf is given in cough, body ache and boil. Root bark decoction, two teaspoonful once daily in the morning is given for purging of bowels. Root paste made with black pepper is applied on snake and poisonous insect bite. Stem poultice is applied on abscess twice daily for three days or till cure. Grooved stem is inserted into the finger in painful swelling. Stem poultice is applied on boils for three days (Deka 2006). 

Scientific Name: Garcinia morella
Family: Clusiaceae
Bodo Name: Thaika
Assamese Name: Kuji thekera

Dry fruit curry is consumed in dysentery (Ashoke kumar das Used in dysentery, diarrhoea and as purgative or cathartic (Ratul 2013). 

Scientific Name:- Glycrrhiza glabra L.
Family:- Leguminosae
Bodo Name:-
Assamese Name:-

Stem juice is mixed with honey to cure cough. Roots and bark are used in patients suffering from cough and cold (Nath N 

Scientific Name:- Hedyotis corymbosa (L.) Lamk
Family:- Rubiaceae
Bodo Name:- 
Assamese Name:- 
Bon jaluk

The ethanolic extract of leaves of Hedyotis corymbosa has shown significant anticancer activity on k562 human leukemia cell lines. Showed significant hepatoprotective activity against Perchloroethylene, Carbon tetrachloride and D-Galactosamine induced liver damage in experimental animals. Antimalarial activity of the methanolic extract of H.corymbosa was studied by both invitro and invivo methods.The plant extract showed significant antimalarial activity on chloroquine sensitive (MRC-pf20) and chloroquine sensitive (MRC-pf.303) stains of plasmodium falciparum. The alcoholic and aqueous extract of whole plant of Hedyotis corymbosa has shown significant antiulcer activity against aspirin in rats.


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