Swastha Rasayana

 Swastha Rasayana

The prakriti has created a very beautiful unique creature that has dominant in this mortal earth from ages that is human being. The people around has developed unique effectiveness to fight against various kinds of ailments from ages with the help of flora and fauna around which were generating proper immunity protecting the people from health hazards. Protecting health with healthy food and daily work activities is practiced since ages and has accustomed proper health. Ayurveda has depicted good health as a Rasayana that can protect people from various ailments and has also described various ways and features of remaining healthy in day to day life. If we look inside the human nature from ages it can be noted that there is always a tendency to generate or develop necessary ideas so that they can lead a life of fulfillment in every form. The environment on the other hand began to change leading to a condition where the longevity of human’s came under dwindle. The immunity of the people started reducing leading a life of misery and disease ridden condition. Ayurveda has emphasized from ages that due to de-arrangement of mental stability or pragya or buddhi, the environmental condition will keep on changing and will open the pathway of various ailments that will affect the human civilization. This condition is depicted in Ayurveda as Janapado dhwangsa. If we look inside the present scenario, in every direction the dominance of many kind of diseases as well as mental hazards or mental ailments can be seen. These conditions are generated by human itself due to their habitual nature of greed and de-arrangement of Pragya or Buddhi.

Positive Impact on Human Society

Development in every form has taken place in many forms from ages and the human society has generated a good form of platform in every field leading to a life of sophistication and satisfaction. Many machinery tools have been created and with the help of these tools many kind of necessary works can be done in minutes. In the past people had to travel from one place to another with great difficulties because of the absence of proper ways and means. Absence of road had created hurdles and many had to lose their life too. Evolutionary changes had taken place and development of human brain created many machinery tools and as a result of which the present world came into form. Now, travelling has become easy and affordable and within hours people can travel from one place to another. This development has taken place in every field. The impact of technology on human society can be ascertained with the fact that every work can be done with the help of social media. With the help of internet one can communicate with the world around and can share information and measures in a very easy manner. Information regarding climate has also become very easy. Accidents, especially in sea or ocean has decline with the help of these tools. In the past, such measures were absent and as result the human society had to face many difficulties while travelling through sea and ocean from one place to another for business or other purpose. Development in medical field has given to human society a very kind of relief and the mortality rate has also been declined. Many sophisticated tools have been generated and many diseases can be diagnosed and treated successfully. Pregnancy related complications can be diagnosed at the earliest and necessary measures can be taken as a result of which the decline of death rate of mother and child can be seen. Many vaccinations have been developed, protecting the child from various kinds of dangerous ailments. Early diagnosis of cancer is possible now and early treatment can be scheduled getting satisfactory results. Many forms of cancer related medicines have been developed and many will come in near future because scientists around the world are searching in every earthly material to get a proper answer. Now a day’s proper nutrition has become a very big industry and people around the world has become self conscious in taking care of their body as well as nutrition. Proper nutritious diet helps to protect the body from various ailments by creating a good immunity. Proper nutritious diet is very much important for a pregnant lady and with nutrition only the growth and development of child in mother’s womb take place. For every kind of diseases proper diet chart is available along with medicines. These diets are also important for a patient so that one can take care of one’s health in every direction. Concept of proper diet along with medicines has been depicted in Ayurveda. Ayurveda has emphasized that without proper diet people health become prone to various ailments. Aahara or diet has been incorporated as one of the Traya Upasthambha. For different diseases, ayurveda has also given different description regarding diet and its effect on human health. 


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