Medicinal herbs playing significant role in Alzheimer's Disease


Scientific Name

Sanskrit Name

Active compound




Mechanism of Action

Inference of the study


Withania Somnifera


Withaferine, 2.β sitosterol, withaferin A, stigmasterol, withanolide A, and withanolide D 



1995, 2.2020



1.Choline acetyl transferase and Muscarinic cholinergic receptor binding were reversed

2. The active ingredients targets  pathways such as PI3K/Akt signaling, neurotrophin signaling and toll-like receptor signaling and proteins such as Tropomyosin receptor Kinase B (TrkB), Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3β (GSK-3β), Toll-Like Receptor 2/4 (TLR2/4), and β-secretase (BACE-1).


2. Effective


2. Hannah et. al. 2020

Curcuma Longa





Animal Models

Reverses neurotoxic and behavioral demage


Costa et. al. 2017

Bacopa monnieri


 Bacoside, Bacopasise, Bacopasaponin, brahmine, monnierin,herpestine etc.




 Prevents oxidative damage, prevent Aβ aggregation and fibril formation.


 Syamima A, Vijayabalan S, Madhavan P, Chia Y, Arya A, Wong E, Rizwan F, Bindal U, Koshy S, Bacopa monnieri, a Neuroprotective Lead in Alzheimer Disease: A Review on Its Properties, Mechanisms of Action, and Preclinical and Clinical Studies, Sage Volume 13.

 Bacopa monnieri


  Bacoside, Bacopasise, Bacopasaponin, brahmine, monnierin,herpestine etc.




 Improves the cognitive functions in geriatric patients


 Goswami S, Saoji A, Kumar N, Thawani V, Tiwari M, Thawani M, Effect of Bacopa Monnieri on cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease patient, International Journal of Collaborative Research on Internal Medicine & Public Health (IJCRIMPH), ISSN 1840-4529 | Journal Type: Open Access | Volume 3 Number 4

 Bacopa monnieri


   Bacoside, Bacopasise, Bacopasaponin, brahmine, monnierin,herpestine etc.




 Improvement in cognitive functions.


 Zanotta D, puricelli S, Bonoldi G, Cognitive effect of dietary supplement made from extract of Bacopa monnieri, astaxanthin,phosphatidylserine and vitamin E in subjects with mild cognitive impairment: a noncomparative, exploratory clinical study Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2014; 10: 225–230.

Published online 2014 Feb 3. doi: 10.2147/NDT.S51092.                                                        

Withanai Somnifera


Withaferine, 2.β sitosterol, withaferin A, stigmasterol, withanolide A, and withanolide D 



Wistar Rats


Improvement in the cognitive skill by inhibiting amyloid β-42 and attenuated the elevated levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF alpha, IL-1 beta, IL-6, MCP-1, Nitric oxidelipid peroxidation and both β- and γ- secretase enzymatic activity.



Pandey A, bani S, Dutta P, Satti K N, Suri A,Qazi G, Multifunctional neuroprotective effect of Withanone, a compound from Withania somnifera roots in alleviating cognitive dysfunction, Elsevier, Volume 102February 2018, Pages 211-221


Scientific Name

Sanskrit Name

Active compound



Sample size

Mechanism of Action

Inference of the study


Withania somnifera


Withaferine A, Sitoindosides VII-X




Withanoloids isolated from the W. somnifera are known to inhibit acetylcholinesterase and butylcholinesterase in a dosedependent manner. The cholinesterase inhibitory potential along with calcium antagonistic ability has made W. somnifera possible drug candidate to treat Alzheimer's disease and associated problems. Sitoindosides VII–X, and withaferin-A, isolated from aqueous methanol extract from the roots of cultivated varieties of W. somnifera is used in Indian medicine to attenuate cerebral functional deficits, including amnesia, in geriatric patients. The effect of these active constituents of W. somnifera was also investigated for putative nootropic activity in a experimentally validated Alzheimer's disease model.




In many studies it has been seen that Withania somnifera has been able to reduce the oxidative stress and attenuate cerebral functions.

Kulkarni S.K, Dhir A, Withania somnifera- An Indian ginseng, Elsevier, 2008

 Withania somnifera


 Withaferine A, Sitoindosides VII-X




I.With regard to its therapeutic mechanisms, neurinflammation and immune dysfunction are implicated in the pathogenesis of numerous neuropsychiatric illness, and extract containing Withania somnifera have been shown to strongly inhibit cyclo-oxygenase-2- enzyme, reduce the levels of serum acute-phase reactants, and suppress ∞2-macroglobulin, thereby attenuating systemic inflammation.

improved cognitive task, executive function,attention and reaction time

  Xiang Q, Loke W, Xinhui N, Tan W, Chan H, Lim D, Yeo W, A systematic review of the clinical use of Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) to ameliorate cognitive dysfunction, Willey 2019

 Withania somnifera






 Withanolide A, withaferin-A, 2,3-dihydrowithaferin-A, withanoside IV and VI that were isolated from Withania root extract showed inhibitory eوٴect towards AChE enzyme, and attenuated neuronal dysfunction by decreasing β-amyloid protein formation. Withanolide A, has neuritic regeneration properties and facilitated the reconstruction of pre- and postsynaptic neurons, when neuron damage had already progressed

 All together the present study shows that the ethanolic extracts of the different parts of Egyptian Withania somnifera exhibited high acetylcholinesterase inhibitory effect as well as significant antioxidant activity, nitric oxide scavenging and anti-inflammatory activities.

 Mahrous R, Ghareeb D, Fathy H, Khair R, Omar A, The protective effect of Egyptian Withania somnifera against Alzheimer’s, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2017.

 Bacopa monnieri


 Brahmine, nicotinine, herpestine, bacosides A and B, saponins A, B and C, triterpenoid saponins, stigmastanol, β-sitosterol, betulinic acid, D-mannitol, stigmasterol, α-alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and serine and pseudojujubogenin glycoside.




 It promotes free radical scavenger mechanism and protects cells in pre-frontal,hippocampus and striatum against cytotoxicity.

 It reduces hippocampal β amyloid deposition and stress induced hippocampal damage. It also improved the total memory score and maximum improvement was seen in logical memory and paired associate learning in humans and reversed phenytoin induced memory impairment in experimental model.

 K.S. Chaudhari, N.R. Tiwari, R.R. Tiwari, R.S. Sharma, Neurocognitive effect of nootropic drug Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) in Alzheimer’s Disease. Karger, 2017.

 Bacopa monnieri


  Brahmine, nicotinine, herpestine, bacosides A and B, saponins A, B and C, triterpenoid saponins, stigmastanol, β-sitosterol, betulinic acid, D-mannitol, stigmasterol, α-alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and serine and pseudojujubogenin glycoside.




 Enhancement of neurotransmission, potentiation of synaptic activity, and repair of damaged neurons by upregulating neuronal synthesis and kinase activity. 

 There was no difference between B. monnieri and the placebo or donepezil in the treatment of Alzheimer disease based on very low certainty evidence.

 Basheer A, Agarwal A, Mishra B, Gupta A, Padma M,Kiribakaran R, Vishnu V,Use of Bacopa monnieri in the treatment of dementia due to Alzheimer’s disease : Systematic review of randomized controlled trials, JMIR publications, 2022.

 Bacopa monnieri


  Brahmine, nicotinine, herpestine, bacosides A and B, saponins A, B and C, triterpenoid saponins, stigmastanol, β-sitosterol, betulinic acid, D-mannitol, stigmasterol, α-alanine, aspartic acid, glutamic acid, and serine and pseudojujubogenin glycoside.





 Bacopa improved performance on 9 of 17 tests in the domain of memory free recall. There was little evidence of enhancement in any other cognitive domains

Pase M, Kean J, SarriasJ, Scholey A, Stough C, The cognitive enhancing effects of Bacopa monnieri: A systematic review of randomized, controlled human clinical trials, The journal of alternative and complementary medicines, 2012. 

 Ginkgo biloba


 Important constituents present in the medicinally used leaves are the terpene trilactones, i.e., ginkgolides A, B, C, J and bilobalide, many flavonol glycosides, biflavones, proanthocyanidins, alkylphenols, simple phenolic acids, 6-hydroxykynurenic acid, 4-O-methylpyridoxine and polyprenols

 Tehran, Iran



  In some studies it has been demontrated that it activates the cholinergic activity, in another study it has been found that it prevents β amyloid toxicity of the brain cell, there is development in the cognitive functions.

 Akhondzadeh S, Abbasi S, herbal medicines in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, American Journal of Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias, volume 21, Number 2, March/April 2006.

 Melisa officinalis


 Flavonoids (quercitrin, rhamnocitrin, luteolin),Polyphenolic compounds (rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid, and protocatechuic acid), monoterpenoid aldehyde, monoterpene glycosides, triterpenes (ursolic and oleanolic acids), sesquiterpenes, tannins, and essential oils (citral).

 Tehran, Iran


42 patients



 Akhondzadeh S, Abbasi S, herbal medicines in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, American Journal of Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias, volume 21, Number 2, March/April 2006.

 Salvia officinalis


  camphor (33.61%), 1,8-cineole (22.22%) and α-thujone (21.43%).

  Tehran, Iran





 Akhondzadeh S, Abbasi S, herbal medicines in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, American Journal of Alzheimer’s disease and other Dementias, volume 21, Number 2, March/April 2006.

 Serrate clubmoss


 Huperzine A.





 Improvement of general cognitive function, global clinical status, behavioral disturbance and functional performance, with no obvious serious adverse events for patients with AD.

 Tin J, Zhang J, Wang Y, Herbal therapy: a new pathway for the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.















































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